Cohesive Robotics

“We’re on a mission to drive automation that will support more manufacturers.”

David PietrocolaCEO

When we last caught up with David Pietrocola, co-founder of Cohesive Robotics, he had just received the $50,000 Jeff Lawrence Innovation Fund manufacturing grant.

At that time, his company was poised to revolutionize the surface finishing industry with its innovative Smart Finishing Robotic Workcell system. One year later, not only has Cohesive Robotics realized its vision, but it has also expanded its impact far beyond initial expectations. 

Thanks to the grant, David and his team were able to transition their prototype into a production-ready product. The system, now enhanced with improved form and function, has been successfully deployed in multiple manufacturing environments. While completing their system builds, the Cohesive Robotics’ team was able to lower production costs, thereby making advanced robotics accessible not only to large corporations but also to small and mid-sized manufacturers.

Cohesive Robotics
engineer building robotics

Many jobs involve hazardous work, and we’re focused on automating these dangerous tasks to better protect extract workers from harmful environments.

The company’s systems support high-mix manufacturing across a variety of industries including general fabrication, architectural and construction, public transportation, elevator machinery, and appliance production. By eliminating the need for costly and time-consuming robot programming, Cohesive Robotics provides an adaptable solution for those shops without in-house automation teams. “We help high-mix manufacturers across multiple industries stay competitive,” David explains. “We’re especially excited about entering new sectors like musical instrument manufacturing with wood and brass, DOD military applications, and aerospace, where automation can help address the high costs of producing in the U.S. while maintaining high-quality standards.”

While Cohesive Robotics remains rooted in the metro area, serving clients in New York City, upstate New York, Pennsylvania, and even operating a satellite office in Baltimore, the medium-term goal involve expanding into new North American and European markets.

Historically, companies needed to invest in expensive programming and training to utilize robotics. Now, our systems can adapt to what’s in front of them and program themselves, making automation viable for more manufacturers.

One of the standout features of Cohesive Robotics’ systems is their use of AI and advanced sensors to scan and program robots in real-time. This innovation marks a significant shift in the industry, allowing users to simply specify their needs through an interface, with the system handling the programming autonomously. This ease of use breaks down the traditional barriers to automation, enabling more businesses to adopt robotic solutions.

By continuously innovating and expanding Cohesive Robotics’ capabilities, David and his team are committed to supporting the evolving needs of manufacturers. “Our goal is to create more systems that enable more companies to utilize our technology, integrating seamlessly into their existing workflows.”

As he looks to the future, David’s dedication to high-mix manufacturing and small business support remains unwavering. With a growing team and expanding market presence, Cohesive Robotics is well positioned to continue making a significant impact in the world of manufacturing.

In David’s words, “We believe in taking a full systems-based approach to developing and delivering solutions. Our passion is making advanced automation available to small and medium-sized enterprises, to help them overcome labor challenges and maintain a competitive edge.”

Robotic Sanding Kit