Business Health Assessment

Helping You Identify Your Organization’s Pain Points

Why Assess Your Organization’s Health?

  1. Discover if your organization is aligned with its strategy
  2. Understand your pain points and how they impact your organization
  3. Redesign your system and improve your organization’s performance

We created this free Assessment to help you understand your organization’s heath in six key areas:

  • Strategy
  • Structure and Accountability
  • Process Capability
  • Reward Metrics
  • People Systems
  • Systems and Technology

This 50-question Assessment helps manufacturers identify pain points that are critical to manufacturers’ productivity and continued success.

To better understand the purpose of ITAC’s Business Health Assessment, please read through each of the four tabs below. Once you are ready to get started, click on the Business Heath Assessment tab. 

Manufacturer's Edge Logo

This Assessment was originally developed by Manufacturer’s Edge, ITAC’s partner Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) center in Colorado. We would like to thank the Manufacturer’s Edge team for their willingness to share what they had successfully created and implemented in Colorado, which provided the foundation for this assessment that ITAC has adapted to serve our NYC manufacturing community.

ITAC New York City Business Health Assessment

Do You Need Organizational Realignment?

Organizational Alignment is best known as a deliberate design process that enables organizations to achieve their strategy, objectives, and metrics.

ITAC’s Business Health Assessment evaluates your business’ organizational alignment to ensure that it is best able to optimize people and process related improvements.

To start, consider the “Symptoms” on the right. If your business is currently experiencing any of these issues, then you are not operating at your full potential and your people and processes may not be fully aligned with your strategy. You need to identify the causes of these symptoms in order to determine what improvements are needed.

Our Assessment was created to help you diagnose your pain points and identify the causes.

Symptoms when operations are not aligned with strategy:







Low Perfomance


Internal Competition


Production Delays


Beyond the symptoms above, is your organization experiencing any of the below situations?  If so, now is a good time to see if your company is still aligned and “synchronized.”

  • New company/division: You have a startup or a new division
  • Planning to grow: The number of employees will increase; you will increase volume, sales or customer base
  • Business strategy has changed: Your organization is considering a new focus; you have changed product(s), market(s), or customer; you are looking to expand into a new country/market segment
  • Organizational performance is below expectations: The strategy is sound but the organization has not met its performance target
  • Surrounding conditions have changed: Your key customers, suppliers, or partners are changing their organization; you have recently merged or acquired/been acquired
  • External environment change: There have been changes in your industry, market, regulatory environment, or technology; new or better competitors have emerged

*Please note, when a new leader joins your group, unless he/she was brought in specifically with a redesign charter, this should not be considered a redesign trigger.

What Are the Causes of Your Organization’s Pain?

There are six main pain point categories under which the symptoms described in the previous tab can be classified. 


  • Strategy: The process of achieving the organization’s vision and mission. All of the organization’s operations must be in alignment with the Strategy to avoid disfunction from occurring.
  • Structure: The operating model of the organization.
  • Processes: The systems and guidelines that manage the organization’s human capital.
  • Metrics: What the organization and employees are measured and rewarded for.
  • People: What enables the organization’s people to achieve their role’s goals.
  • Technology: How your organization evaluates and utilizes new technologies, including software and equipment.

ITAC’s Business Health Assessment will help you discover which pain points, under these six categories, are causing your organizational misalignment.

ITAC Business Health Assessment Organizational Pain

As depicted above, the Business Health Assessment will trace the symptoms back to the pain point category under which it falls. If there is pain in your organization, then this suggests that there is room to improve your business structure and redesign your system.

Redesign Your System

To start to redesign or in other words to improve the way your business operates, you can utilize the Assessment to not only identify what is causing your business’ pain points/symptoms, but also to identify business strengths.

In addition, the Assessment – as depicted on the right – will help you identify areas in which to take action in order to address the symptoms and prevent pain. These actions will ultimately improve your organization’s productivity and success.

Is Your Business Ready to Take the Assessment?  If so or if you would like more information, click on the Business Heath Assessment tab.

ITAC Business Health Assessment Redesign Your System

Ready to Take the Assessment?

First, let’s explain a few logistics about how the Assessment is executed:

  • The Assessment is intended to be completed anonymously by your Leadership and Management Team at various levels throughout your organization (e.g. executives, middle managers, production line managers, etc.) to provide 360-degree feedback and to help your Leadership Team understand where there are opportunities for improvement.
  • A unique URL will be provided to your business to share with those you select to complete the Assessment.
  • Our team will gather, analyze and review your submitted Assessment results, consolidating all participants’ answers so as to preserve anonymity.

Get in Touch & Improve Your Business Health Today

To start the Business Health Assessment, please schedule time to meet with our team.  We will follow up with you to get you started and to answer any questions you may have.

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What is the Business Health Assessment?