Cohesive Robotics

“I'm motivated to develop robotic products that actually help people in the real world.”

David PietrocolaFounder

After 12 years in the robotics field, David launched Cohesive Robotics with one goal in mind.

He wanted to develop robotic products that solve real problems for small businesses. Current robotics and automation solutions are inflexible and expensive, so it’s unsurprising that 90% of U.S. manufacturers have not incorporated robotics into their operations. Through his experience in the field, he knew that automation could have a big impact, if simple solutions were created around bottlenecks and existing production floor problems. So, David set out to find the actual needs of fabricators and manufacturers.

This is not a new industry to David, whose parents own and operate a metals business in the Bronx. After visiting several manufacturers and industries, he saw that the biggest bottlenecks were in surface finishing. Even when companies utilized welding automation, manual labor was still required – which is tedious, imperfect, and can be unsafe for workers.

Once the problem was identified, David got to work creating a solution, and Cohesive Robotics was established in 2021. His prototype, the Smart Finishing Robotic Workcell system, underwent testing at three locations, where it proved to reduce processing time by 30-50%, rework by 90%, and abrasives consumption by 50%.

Robotic Grinding Equipment

In April 2023, Cohesive Robotics celebrated another success when they were awarded the $50,000 Jeff Lawrence Innovation Fund manufacturing grant. This grant is intended to help small and mid-sized manufacturers bring their innovations to the marketplace, and David is focused on accelerating the company’s go-to-market plan. The funding will be used to improve the form and function of the system, complete functional safety and risk assessments, and help propel and deploy the system as a solution for manufacturers.

When speaking about what the future holds, David’s passion is clear. He shares, “When I was in academia, I completed research and papers that weren’t directly helping anyone or getting out in the world. Now I’m developing solutions that will have a real impact for workers, business owners, and progressing society forward.”

Q&A with David Pietrocola

Best compliment received from a client?

We have a great group of retired volunteers that come every week. These New Yorkers are aging, but they have so much to give. Not only are they here, giving with their time and hands, but may also make year-end donations. They want to be investors and share the responsibility that we take on. To me, this shows how impactful Adaptive Designs is and assures me that it will continue on.

What work have you most enjoyed?

I love the social media here. In this community, it's used for all the right reasons. We're sharing resources, celebrating one another, and lifting each other up. Our community is all over the country, so social media offers a place for people to connect. It's all very genuine.

What keeps you motivated?

Our clients! We develop strong relationships throughout the design process. We help clients realize that they are entitled to these custom designs. Designing and creating this equipment is an unknown mystery to most clients, and we get to make the unknown known. I've been given an opportunity to grow and share this space, and we will succeed.