When it comes to running a successful manufacturing business in NYC, finding opportunities to improve and grow is key. But where do you start? Many local companies are looking to ITAC’s Complementary Business Assessment for their roadmap to success. Led by industry expert Luis Villacis, this assessment goes beyond surface-level observations to dig deep into your operations, uncovering actionable insights that can fuel your company’s growth.

In this interview, Luis explains his unique perspective, how these assessments are conducted, and what makes these assessments so effective for manufacturers looking to stay ahead of the curve. Whether you’re aiming to streamline operations, optimize your supply chain, or simply get a fresh perspective on your business, Luis’s expertise could be just what you need.

Interview with Luis Villacis

Q1: Luis, you have a strong background in business development and management consulting. Can you tell us more about your journey and what drew you to work with NYC manufacturers?

Luis Villacis: My journey in business development and management consulting started over a decade ago. I’ve had the opportunity to work with a wide range of industries, from food production to consumer goods. What always fascinated me about manufacturing is the direct impact you can see from implementing process improvements. NYC manufacturers face unique challenges, and I was drawn to the opportunity to help them navigate those challenges and thrive in a competitive environment. At ITAC, I get to work closely with businesses that are the backbone of our local economy, which is incredibly rewarding.

Q2: When conducting a business assessment, what key areas do you focus on, and why are they important for a manufacturer’s success?

Luis Villacis: The core areas I focus on during a business assessment include production efficiency, supply chain management, and operational workflows. These are the pillars of any manufacturing business, and optimizing them can lead to significant improvements in productivity, cost savings, and overall competitiveness. For example, a small tweak in the supply chain can reduce lead times and inventory costs, which directly impacts the bottom line. I also look at the company’s strategic alignment—making sure their operations support their long-term goals.

Q3: How does ITAC’s approach differ from other consulting services in the market? What makes your assessments particularly valuable for NYC manufacturers?

Luis Villacis: What sets ITAC apart is our deep understanding of the unique challenges NYC manufacturers face. We don’t just offer generic advice—we tailor our assessments to the specific needs of each business. Our team combines industry experience with local knowledge, ensuring that the solutions we propose are practical and effective. Additionally, we provide long-term support to help businesses implement these changes and achieve sustained success. Our goal is to build lasting relationships with our clients and be a trusted partner in their growth journey.

Q4: What can a manufacturer expect during and after the assessment process with ITAC?

Luis Villacis: During the assessment, manufacturers can expect a thorough evaluation of their operations. We’ll spend time on-site, observing processes, talking to key personnel, and gathering data. Afterward, we compile our findings into a detailed report that highlights areas for improvement and provides actionable recommendations. But we don’t stop there—we work with the manufacturer to prioritize these actions and support them in implementing the changes. The end goal is to empower them with the tools and knowledge they need to continue growing and succeeding long after the assessment is complete.

Q5: In your opinion, why is now the right time for NYC manufacturers to consider a business assessment?

Luis Villacis: The manufacturing landscape is constantly evolving, and staying competitive requires ongoing evaluation and adaptation. With the economic uncertainties and shifts in supply chains that we’ve seen in recent years, it’s more important than ever for manufacturers to ensure their operations are as efficient and resilient as possible. A business assessment can uncover hidden opportunities and prepare a company to navigate future challenges with confidence.


Ready to Unlock Your Business’s Potential?

ITAC’s Complementary Business Assessment is more than just an evaluation—it’s a strategic tool designed to help NYC manufacturers thrive in a challenging market. With experts like Luis Villacis leading the way, you can gain the insights and support needed to make informed decisions and drive meaningful improvements.

Take the first step toward optimizing your operations. Contact us to schedule your complimentary business assessment today and discover how ITAC can help your business reach new heights.