
Eliminate Overcharges and Stop Cash Flow Leaks

In today’s economic climate, every dollar matters. Cutting costs is a common goal for many organizations to improve margins and profitability. ITAC's partners work with organizations to uncover refunds and savings - without changing your current vendors. How It Works: Start with…
Corey Pickett
March 24, 2023

How Small Businesses Can Manage Privacy Risks

Perhaps you’ve been hearing about data analytics, which is being promoted as a way for even small businesses to analyze communications with customers, enhance customer experience, save money, and ultimately improve your brand. However, data analytics can have big privacy…
Corey Pickett
March 22, 2023

Summary: Building A StoryBrand

"What's in it for me?" This not-so-simple question has guided many successful marketing messages. Through marketing efforts, we always want to be sharing a solution story to our customers' problems. All too often, company websites and other branded materials simply…
Corey Pickett
March 13, 2023